
Code 21RD0171
Dream My canoe will start on a Journey in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Once my canoe will be dropped into the water finally using it’s new fresh paint will be wet and be popping in the water because it’s drippy. After it finally crosses from the US into Canada it will come into a traffic jam with a giant iceberg. Once my canoe and the Iceberg come in contact a friendly canadian will see my boat and pick up the boat and inspect it. He will see that the boat has been through tough conditions and that the paint has faded. He will then take it back to his shop and repaint the canoe back to when it was in its prime. After he painted it he will let it back in the ocean. After a while it will see a narwhal and the narwhal will use its tusk to bring it all the way to the hudson bay. After it makes it there it will be found 10 years later. Then I will get my canoe back 10 years later.
Launched With Grand Forks Schroeder 7th Grade (2021)
Last seen on 2021-08-17
Sightings 1


Photo - 21RD0171